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Dust Mites and Professional Carpet Cleaning

2023-02-03T10:09:15-08:00February 11th, 2021|Categories: Everyday Life, Tips and Advice|Tags: , , |

Professional carpet cleaning services not only improve the look and extend the life of your carpet but are important for the health of your family. Home carpeting collects dirt, dust mites, mold, pet fur, and other debris that can irritate allergies and asthma. For this reason, it is important to keep up on regular vacuuming and [...]

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2022-11-16T17:32:21-08:00December 19th, 2016|Categories: Tips and Advice|Tags: , , |

Now that the Holidays are upon us, there may be wine stains to remove! Hopefully none of you have to deal with wine stains, but if it happens, we have some tips on how to remove them. Below, we have included some tips on how to remove wine stains from your carpet, upholstery and clothing. Use [...]

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Eco-Friendly Carpet Maintenance

2022-11-16T17:32:35-08:00July 31st, 2012|Categories: Tips and Advice|Tags: , , , , , , |

Many homeowners are unaware of the health concerns affiliated with common household cleaners. If used too often and improperly, household cleaners can cause long-term side effects to the body. Professionals understand how to safely clean your home without emitting and spreading harmful chemicals. Below, we have provided some chemical-free tips for safe, carpet maintenance between professional [...]

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Love Our Pets, Hate the Mess

2022-11-16T17:32:49-08:00July 31st, 2012|Categories: Tips and Advice|Tags: , , , , , , |

At-home urine removal for cats & dogs. We all love our pets, but they tend to be pretty messy at times. It happens to all pet owners. Whether they are an adorable new puppy, nervous, untrained, or just have bad manners, pets will usually find a way to stain your carpets. Below, we have provided some [...]

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